About YDF

Ounder of Zhongyuan Min

Director of China Hair and Beauty Association

Deputy Secretary-General of Shanghai Hair and Beauty Industry Association

General Manager of Shanghai Yingdefei Industrial Co., Ltd.

Graduated from Tokyo Medical and Dental University, he entered the Japanese cosmetic industry in 1992. He is engaged in the development of cosmetic instruments and equipment and professional solutions to cosmetic skin problems.

In 2001,  Zhongyuan Min back to China to start a business.

After graduating from Tokyo Medical Dental University, students of Zhongyuan Min who have worked and lived in Japan for many years, have moved to Japan's new and dynamic field of cosmetic instruments. Because of their outstanding achievements, they have long held the position of 'director and Minister of product development of cosmetic instruments' of Japanese companies, and accumulated abundant experience in the cosmetic industry of Japan. Successfully obtained the first generation of Japan's small-scale ultrasound cosmetology instrument development utility model patents. Seeing the turbulence before the boiling of China's reform and opening up, the reluctant professionals resolutely came to China to start their own businesses. 

At the beginning of the 21st century, the development of cosmetics in China has entered the era of repair from the era of efficacy, and the industry is in full swing. However, the market concept of 'beauty instrument' still stays at the stage of pursuing radical effects. Most of the cosmetics do not pursue product quality but only the mode of division, which is always reflected in this era. Then 'beauty instrument' field what way to go in order to seek development in the fierce market competition? What kind of positioning is suitable for this fashion hot land?

In the first stage of entrepreneurship, Mr Zhongyuan  visited beauty salons of all sizes in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, searched for excellent factories in the Pearl River Delta, visited major exhibitions at home and abroad, and made it clear that the market and factories of the whole industry, the development of the industry and the future trend of the industry were all in mind. In mid-2001, Mr Zhongyuan was born to lead Cherry. Delphi team has entered China's cosmetic instrument industry:

In 2002, we cooperated with excellent factories in the Pearl River Delta to set up a production base in China, relying on China's productivity, combining with accumulated rich practical and professional technology development and QC management experience, and landed a large number of cosmetic instruments overseas orders locally, opening a chapter in the OEM era of Yingdefei!

Since 2004, Yingdefei has been exhibiting in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Dalian, Beijing and other first-tier cities. Its main business has been upgraded from the sale of original Japanese cosmetic instruments to the customized service of ODM instruments for major customers. It is an integrative professional team in the Chinese market that the Japanese engineer team first developed, designed and manufactured one according to the needs of customers. 

Over the years, from south to north, from cosmetics companies to beauty chains, Yingdefei has accumulated a large number of high-quality loyal customers, domestic order sales! In 2009, in 2018, Yingdefei was awarded 'Tax Payer' by Shanghai Qingpu District Tax Bureau; in 2015, he began to lead the company's domestic business under the downturn of the beauty market.

Today, Yingdefei adheres to the principle of 'honesty as an enterprise, adhere to casting quality, win the market with good taste, and the details will succeed or fail'. After more than ten years of experience in China, it is under such a concept of enterprise development that we are constantly growing, constantly adapting to higher market requirements, constantly bringing trustworthy brand strength to customers, and constantly bringing positive energy to the healthy development of the industry.

Mr Zhongyuan , with its market sense, insight into the frontier, stands out from the Red Sea, leading by science and technology, quality first, out of the sunny day of China's cosmetology market!